Coaching module
Coaching course (ENGLISH)
Develop and expand your personal skills with this accredited (5 ECTS) coaching module, where you’ll learn the basics of coaching.

Develop your dialogical skills with basic coaching tools.
This coaching module equips you with the techniques and train your skills to ask questions and build your communication capacity at all levels.
Based on practical and theoretical perspectives we discuss and use the coaching dialogue for immediate understanding and use in your professional context. For example, when leading and guiding personal performance and development among team members and employees.
Details about the module
- Structure: The module is 100% online, with 5 online sessions and an online exam
- Duration: Aproxx. 3-4 months
- Accreditation: The coaching module provides 5 ECTS
- Price: 7.500 DKK (VAT excluded)
- Start date: The coaching module will start runningly, with pools of new candidates
For further information contact player development manager in 4player, Anders Egholm, at:
- Phone: +45 61 69 05 40
- Mail:
If interested and wanting to apply contact Andreas Bering (Copenhagen Coaching Center) at:
- Phone: +45 40 14 92 92
- Mail:
The content on this page is supplied by Copenhagen Coaching Center, who are responsible for the correctness.